Patriot Town Project proclamation 

 Patriot Town project principles

Question: One of the requirements of Nesara/Gesara is no more war. How do we accomplish that? 

The following six principles are the Answer. They are the PatriotTown Principles for peaceful living.

Principle 1. Stop obeying our government’s unreasonable demands. This principle applies to any and all governments. They work for us. It is time they obey us. Not rule over us. When we are consistently submitting to their unreasonable demands, their demands will always eventually lead to demands for us to take up arms against other nations, and against our own people, and against each other. We must reclaim our sovereignty.

  • Principle One is not suggestive of doing something stupid to break laws and get people locked up. But it is suggesting that it is time for all of us to recognize that all governments; Federal, State, and Local are illegitimate and have no right to make unreasonable demands of us, and, have no legitimate power. They never got their power by legal means or more importantly, just means.

Principle 2. Never cause bloodshed in the name of peace. if we want bto bring peace to our planet, we must live and behave peacefully. 

Principle 3. N0 more revenge in our hearts. Violence does not solve violence. 

Principle 4. Remove  all beings from our planet that wish to cause harm to our peaceful people, and/or to our planet.

Principle 5. Clean up our own towns and villages. none of these standardscan apply to the world until each of our own villages are following these standards of peace. 

Principle 6. let nothing stand in the way of peace. 

these are the patriottown principles for peaceful living. if you wish to participate in the patriottown project, join us on fridays at 8 pm at patriottown on rumble where we broadcast live weekly meetings.

God, the source of all creation is peace. let peace live in each of us. 


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